Thursday, July 30, 2009

My cousin died just yesterday
I take the blame
I haven’t heard from him in years
I take the blame
No warm tales about him before or ever since
I take the blame
I haven't called his mother yet
I take the blame
I haven’t cried even though I want to
I take the blame
I never treated him with the love I held for him
I take the blame
I never granted his requests
I take the blame
I never said goodbye when I left
I take the blame
I haven’t mourned even though I need to
I take the blame
I’ve just gone on living, being strong for everyone else
I take the blame
My cousin died just yesterday
Another name added to my list of dead loved ones
Each as precocious as the next
Each I never said goodbye too
My cousin died just yesterday
I take the blame


  1. don't take the blame, just live life better.
    i hope he had met Christ...

  2. I wish there was a more weightier word than sorry. I wish you know how i feel exactly at this moment. I wish i was der wit u...and i know u dnt think i mean it, but i do!
